Futurity Winners (Current & Past)
Futurity Rules/Forms
The American Shropshire Association in an effort to get junior members more interested and involved, have a Shropshire Ewe Lamb Futurity and Shropshire Yearling Ewe Futurity. The Futurity will not only enhance the junior members ability to purchase extremely high quality breeding stock but will also make it more beneficial for the breeders to consign their very best animals. Futurity forms:
Starter Flock
The Starter Flock is awarded to 1 youth between 8 and 20 years of age who is new to Shropshires. An application, essay, budget and 1 or more references are required. Deadline March 15.
2025 application:[.doc file] [.pdf file]
Royalty program
Applications for the American Shropshire Association’s Royalty program is March 30.
Ages 5-10 for Little Bo Peep or Little Boy Blue
Ages 11-16 for Shropshire Princess or Prince
Ages 17-21 for Shropshire Queen or Ambassador.
The winners should be responsible for attending one major Shropshire sale (Indiana Premier, Ohio Showcase, Midwest, etc.) and two designated shows (All-American, NAILE, the national sale, etc.) Duties will include presenting awards at such events.
Winners will be awarded sashes. One title will be awarded in each category each year for a maximum of three. Both girls and boys are encouraged to apply.
Bo Peep application: [.doc file] [.pdf file]
Princess application: [.doc file] [.pdf file]
Queen application: [.doc file] [.pdf file]
Scholarship Application
The Shropshire Scholarship makes available two $400 awards to college bound, Shropshire involved students. Deadline for this application is every June 1. Click here for application.