2017 Yearling Ewe Overall Futurity Winner
Chloe Stonesifer with Fleener's 1615 |

2017 Ewe Lamb Overall Futurity Winner
Taylor Ruff with High Life 1720 |

2017 West & Central Regional
Ewe Lamb Winner
Kyle Gross R&A Shrops' 2270 |
Photo not available.
2017 East Regional Ewe Lamb Winner
Addisen Nicholson with Fritz's 1701 |

Chloe Stonesifer - 2016 Yearling Ewe
with R&A Shrops' 2086 |

Chloe Stonesifer - 2016 Ewe Lamb
with Fleener's 1615 |

Kennedy Algire - 2015 Yearling Ewe |

Chloe Stonesifer - 2015 Ewe Lamb |

Emily Petzel - 2014 Yearling Ewe
Mrozinski 13-09 |

Kaylee Elsbury - 2014 Ewe Lamb
with JN Dirlam & Sons 1545 |

Josh Sargent - 2013 Yearling Ewe |

Josh Sargent - 2013 Ewe Futurity |

Josh Sargent - 2012 Yearling Ewe |

Courtney Sargent - 2012 Ewe Futurity |

Monica Ebert - 2011 Yearling Ewe |

Josh Sargent - 2011 Ewe Lamb |

Josh Sargent - 2010 Yearling Ewe |

Josh Sargent - 2010 Ewe Lamb |

Sean Bryant - 2009 tie for first

Kaitlyn Whiting - 2009 tie for first |

Kaitlyn Fuss - 2008