Reach your fellow Shropshire breeders by advertising in either or in the Shropshire Voice.
See below for options and prices.

To advertise, contact Rinda Maddox
Call/Text 217-474-9365

Breeder's Index

Shropshire breeders can have their name, phone, address and e-mail addresses listed on the website and in three issues of the Voice for a 12 month period for only $30. A link to personal websites can be included for an additional $20.

Small Advertisements
$35 per month
• Clear, concise message will optimize effectiveness
• Linked to website

Combination Advertising
1 Full-Page Ad in Voice ($125) +
4 Corresponding Months on the Shropshire Website ($100) = $225
• Must have a full page ad in Voice to qualify
• Get 4 small ads online that correspond to Voice ad
• Option to change advertisement every month
February Voice – Feb, March, April, May
May Voice – May, June, July, August
October Voice – October, November, December, January

Online Classifieds
$10 per week with a minimum of 4 weeks.
Includes one photo. Additional photos $10 for each 4 week period.
(Example: 1 ad with 1 photo is $40 for 4 weeks. 1 ad with 2 photos is $50 for 4 weeks).
Classifieds will be paid to the National Office.

Shropshire’s Center Stage Ads
Located on the Homepage of the Website
• Limited to 1 advertisement per month
• Auctioned off annually at the National Shropshire Sale
• Must pay the day of the auction
• $100 Minimum bid
• Limit 8 pictures

Proofs for pictures cannot be accepted.

The American Shropshire Registry Association does not necessarily
endorse paid advertisement published on this website.


The Shropshire Voice

Full Page.................................................................$125
Full page (Full Color)............................................$250
Half Page..............................................................$75
Quarter Page.......................................................$50
Front Cover (Full Color)........................................$325*
Back Cover (Full Color)........................................$250*

Each photo $10

* Charges for Front and Back Cover include full color and up to two photos.
Spot color is available on inside ads at the cost of $35 per color, per page.